Collection: Scented Sizzlers

Scented Sizzlers are highly fragrant simmering granules to go onto your burner and fragrance your home.

A cleaner and easier alternative to wax melts. Simply dispose of with your normal household rubbish. Easily cleaned if spilled, just hoover them up!

Available in clean, fresh, fruity and designer inspired scents. We have over 200 fragrances available.

Shop now to find the scent for you!

    Directions for use: Pour a teaspoon into the well of your burner, then light the candle underneath or turn on the electric and enjoy the stunning aroma from these strongly scented sizzlers.

    Our sizzlers are inspired by your favourite household brands, designer fragrances and high street favourites. No way are our sizzlers affiliated with these brands and are not to be confused with the original brands. Our description is to give you an idea of a fragrance, not to mislead. This is our own brand.


    Many of our customers say 1 teaspoon can last up to 4 days! 

    Each tub holds 100 g of sizzlers.

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